

" My darling..can you see me...?I had finished my performance, and thanked you..muakz"
"JoO!!!!This is for you...I want to say..I LOVE YOU!!사라해!!"
"Can you guys talk faster..I have to give this prize to my JoO as one of her birthday present!!hmm..err..""WHAT?!YOU WANT GO TO SANDY'S PLACE?!WHEN?!take me too...I go with you..I miss my JOO alot..*sobs"

"감사합니다...hey darling..Im smiling to you...*wink" "뭐?하하하...정말?알았어...주주아~사랑해 *kiss"
"히히...네, 처는 사랑 주주이에요...*shy" "어~~~여자친국.....주주해..^^여자친국 &동새...I like both...^^"
"아....*brain stuck..히히..몰라...애인는 가족"
"guess what darling...that person said...you are too pretty and he want to get you away from me...but i just smile..do you know why?It because..NO ONE can get you away from me.."
"first pic:어?; second pic:오...;third pic: 아~~ 네 처는 정말좋아해(to joo)^^"

Uknow:"하하..재종..사랑 치치&HUII?와~~"
Hero: "Cannot hah?! You also got your pretty JOO JOO mah..."
Micky:" 샌디~히히..사랑해"
Xiah:" Hey my링..*wink"
Uknow:" 주주아!!!!사랑해..(cute)
"darling...hehehe..forgive me...that girl isn't my type..wahahhaha..in my heart, there live a pretty princess..My JOO!!!!"
Uknow:" 없...히히...muakz!!!"
Xiah:"사~랑~해~(singing)..i just help uknow sing for joo joo and to my 링 too"
"야!!난 좋아해요..(to joo joo)"

omg...what are they watching..?It isn't porn, is it? hope not....why are they so exciting..ooo..is ah stze and ah huii's photo..no wonder...pretty girls mah..hahaha"

Hero wanted me to post this photo just for ah huii and ah stze..왜?because..they want them not to forget him"

"ling....am i cute?am i cute?i found eun hyuk to take pic with me...hehehe cute?hehe"



Jasylin Teo said...

SHIT i LOVE jaejoong so much right now!! =D

Wendy said...


JoO jOo said...

Huii: hahahaha...

Wendy: hey missy..this wasn't crazy..hahahahha...

Liiiing said...
