i hope i really am...seriously..
the feeling is back again...
hmm...just feel like the year isnt suitable for me...
everything is going NOT smooth...not even once i think...
it should be ok...and i am trying to get rid off this feeling...
however, this feeling and me..meets once again....
anywhere...i hope everything isnt that bad of what i thought...
hope my life will get smoother...seriously...
i will be old of thinking everything...xD
Hi Joo Joo.
I just clicked on "the next blog" and I saw your blog. I read your response and I just want to say that I feel the same way about school too. It feels like there are so much work to do, so much things to think, and just..a big mess. But it is alright. I sometimes feel that way too. Things WILL get better because college is like a changing point for everyone. You will find things that are FUN for sure, but at the same time you will have a lot of homework and stuffs to deal with. >.<
Take Care! Visit my blog if you have time~ kkkk
and my fav korean group is super junior~~kkkk lol
thx for the advice and visiting my blog, nice to meet you...
i will visit your blog..^^
OmO..so you are a kpop fan too??
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